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Become an ITM Elf this Holiday Season
As we take care of our holiday shopping this month, there are survivors and their families who won’t be able to do the same.
The survivors are too tired and sick from fighting for their lives. The spouses and kids are to preoccupied worrying about their loved one. Or, for many, they can't afford to purchase gifts because all their money is going towards paying for medical treatment and other bills.. For these families, we are here.
In The Middle Elves are here to provide holiday gift cards to survivors and their families. But we need your help.
You can either donate by clicking here and putting "gift cards" in the comment section, or by purchasing VISA gift cards, or gift cards for places like Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Applebees, etc. Cards can be mailed to us at 42 Groves Wood Court, Columbia, SC, 29212. We will be taking donations and cards until December 20th.