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Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief for Survivors
Natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey can strike anyone at any time. People are forced to leave their possessions behind and often escape with literally only the clothes on their backs. They often have to rely on the kindness of strangers just to have the basic necessities to live.
Now imagine having to do that and also fight a disease that is trying to kill you. Women in areas hit by Hurricane Harvey don’t have to imagine – their reality is having to worry about where to live and when they can return home while also figuring out where they can get their life-saving treatment and how they will get there. And they often have to do this in an unfamiliar area with no friends or family that can help them.
Missing one round of chemo or a few days of radiation can seriously impact the effectiveness of the treatment, and could lead to the treatment not working at all. Organizations like United Way and The American Red Cross are there to help with the necessities like clothing, shelter, and food, but who is there to help the survivors get to and from the cancer treatment facilities that may be over 100 miles away?
With your help, In The Middle will be there.
All donations are tax deductible and will go directly to providing gas cards and pre-paid debit cards to pay for transportation to and from treatment facilities for women in disaster relief areas who are currently receiving treatment for breast cancer. We are working directly with facilities in disaster relief areas to find breast cancer survivors who need help and get them the treatment they desperately need. Because everyone within our organization are volunteers, 100% of your donation will go to providing transportation for breast cancer survivors so they no longer have to worry about whether they will live through Hurricane Harvey but die because they could not receive treatment. To donate, click HERE and in the comment box, type “Disaster Relief”.
Read about the survivors we are helping.
Click HERE to donate now, and type "Disaster Relief" in the comment box!